Horbury Business Centre, Horbury
Mixed Use Development To Increase Business Offering Of Existing Business Park, And Create New Feature Leisure Uses
Horbury Business Complex, is an area of former Council owned land to the West of Horbury town centre, located to the rear of the former Town Hall and Library, on land allocated for business use but underutilised low quality storage units, light industrial buildings, and private parking that fills most of the site. The site contains a Grade II listed former World War II Gas Decontamination Chamber that is considered a historically important. Architecture 1B were approached to develop the site with an exciting new mixed use development that would renovate and improve upon this existing business space, and create key feature facilities such as a regional level spa and gym facility with a rooftop pool and bring the historically significant gas decontamination centre into the public eye, through repurposing the building as a café/bar and highlighting its original purpose.